We offer dedicated CrossFit Youth classes
for the 11+yr olds...we call them GRIZZLIES!
Based on the principles of Mechanics, Consistency, and Intensity, CrossFit Kids focuses on developing proper movement patterns throughout childhood and adolescence. Consistent practice of good mechanics fosters physical literacy, which not only enhances athletic performance but also helps prevent injuries. Additionally, a growing body of research shows that regular physical activity has a positive impact on cognitive function, meaning that children who stick to the program can see improvements in academic performance as well.
CrossFit Kids is all about BIG FUN for all ages—fun that’s broad, inclusive, and general. "Fun" here means offering an active alternative to sedentary behaviors, helping reduce childhood obesity and promote better overall health. What’s more, the program is designed to be scalable: while the needs of second graders and high school varsity athletes may differ, they are differences of degree, not kind. The program can be adapted to suit any age, experience level, and developmental stage, ensuring that all kids get the most out of their training.
(11+ years)
Unlimited: $120.00/month
Part-time: $100.00/8x month
10 Punch Pass: $145.00
(New grizzlies must do a 1 hour foundations session $35.00 and email info@crossfitashlar.com to find out the next foundations class or visit
the link HERE)
Monday: 6:30-7:30pm
Tuesday: 6:30-7:30pm
Wednesday: 6:30-7:30pm
Have questions about our schedule? Email: info@crossfitashlar.com :)
Our classes are designed to cater to every level of fitness at every age. Classes encourage team work and foster a love of fitness through the entire family. Bring your family (kids ages 3-10) for a fun family bonding outing as you complete team work challenges, a workout and cooperative games! You will sweat so wear workout clothing, indoor shoes and bring a water bottle! We also recognize that families come in all different shapes and sizes, please feel free to have kids come with aunts, uncles, grandparents, guardians etc. As long as there is one guardian (18+) for every 3 kids/youth in the same family! :)
Get ready to sweat, have fun, and make memories together! :)